What Are Sheepskin Slippers Made Of?


I get asked this question when selling sheepskin slippers often.

To keep it simple, sheepskin is the skin of a sheep that has been tanned with the wool left on the hide. This means that we are using one solid material; one side sheep's wool and the other side leather.

Yes, sheepskin is a sheep's skin and has come from an animal that has been slaughtered for meat. Our slippers are a by-product of the meat industry. 

Few than 1 in 200 sheepskins are tanned, the rest are just waste. No sheep are slaughtered specifically for their skin.

On many of our slippers the sheep's leather then has a layer of leather from a cow to provide a longer lasting slipper or boot for a sheep's skin is quite thin and will tear more easily. The skin thickness of a sheep is approximately 1.6 - 2.2mm vs a cow's being used in shoes is 2.8 - 3.5mm.

We do not use any oil or gas industry products in our sheepskin slippers except for the stitching (after all they need to be held together) and the outer sole (that way you can go outside). Of course, if you want to avoid the outdoor sole we do have a women's and men's bootie with a leather sole and a men's leather moccasin.



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