What are the Best Slippers for Sweaty Feet?


Are Sheepskin Slippers Good For Sweaty Feet?

In a pair of feet there are normally about 250,000 sweat glands which typically produce about half a pint of perspiration a day. Sweat glands are more concentrated on the feet than in any other part of the body.

When your feet are bare, there's lots of air around the feet to evaporate the sweat. When you are wearing shoes, especially plastic/vinyl or fake fur, the sweat gets trapped and accumulates. As the sweat accumulates, the more chance there is for it to breed bacteria and odor.

If you have sweaty feet even when it's not warm, you know how annoying it is to have to remove your slippers or shoes and wide off your feet every now and then just to avoid odor and bacteria build up.

Therefore the best slippers for sweaty feet will help you so you do not have to deal with this issue any more.  Sheepskin can absorb moisture but still remain dry on the surface. As a matter of fact, sheepskin absorbs up to 30% of their own weight in moisture without feeling wet, keeping your feet perfectly dry and warm.


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