The Sleeping Pig and Warm Slippers

This is the miraculous story of a sleeping pig and the most un-viral video in history.

Imagine you're sitting at home, like Laura Palladino was one night, and you're looking for something chill to watch.

You're not in the mood for anything political ... you're not into sports ... and so you think back to that time over the summer when you visited June Farms in upstate New York and came across a really sweet-looking pig named Ethel who was pregnant.

How is she doing, you wonder?  

So you pull up the farm's live "swine cam" to see if Ethel had her babies yet.

Good choice, right?


It had to be one of the most boring videos on the Internet that evening.  PERFECT.

But then disaster strikes...

Yep, this is a true story.  And this is what happened next to Laura Palladino ...

Laura's desire for drama-free programming came to a crashing halt when the pig knocked over a heat lamp, right on live camera...

The pig had accidentally buried the heat lamp in the straw and set the barn ablaze.

Maybe the worst part?

Laura saw that SHE WAS THE ONLY ONE WATCHING the video!


Her heart sank. There was nothing she could do.  She felt terrified.

She sprung into action even though it seemed hopeless...

She called the farm.  But no one answered.

She called 911. But what were they going to do? She lived 80 miles away.


After dialing more numbers...

The farm's owners were contacted and they rushed to the scene.

They got there just in time.

The fire was controlled before fire crews arrived ... and Ethel was saved.

I guess pigs DO fly after all.


So why am I telling you this story today?
Well, obviously I made your day a little better :-)
And hoping you get some quiet time with a movie and your sheepskin slippers or an alpaca throw to keep you warm as we settle into the colder months.


  • Posted on by Lynn Stark

    Love Sheepskin and Alpaca. Wonderful store. I can’t say enough good things about this store and good quality items such as shoes ,slippers, sweaters and much more.


  • Posted on by Mina Dunn

    Loved your pig story! Now I have a question I would like answered.
    I bought homesewn sheets at a farmers market a few years ago. They were made from material called shepacca, which is sheep wool and alpaca wool. they are the warmest sheets I ever owned. The lady no longer provides that service so I have been trying to find out where that material can be purchased. I have asked local material shops but they have never heard of it. Do you have any idea where this material could be purchased?

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