Hot Dog, Summer is almost here!


Well we have already had the beginning of summer holiday, Memorial Day, and moving quickly onto the next, Father's Day and the 4th of July, I just had to feature "Our Gang" of dachshund's: Riker (16 months) Charlie (16 years) Beno (10 months) Featured Image

And speaking of hot dogs..... And remember, keep your slippers up high day and night if you have a dog, especially a hot dog.


                         WHAT ME, I DID NOT DO THAT.

Despite originating in Germany, hot dogs are an essential American food — an estimated 7 billion hot dogs are served up each summer in the U.S. alone. And with that many sausages on the grill, the name for a food that doesn’t involve any actual dogs has become completely mainstream. But where did it come from? Some food historians believe that early songs and jokes gave the wieners their name, suggesting that sausage meat came from dogs. But a more likely story is that German butchers named early American frankfurters “dachshund sausages” after the long and skinny dogs they resembled, which was eventually shortened to “hot dogs.”

PS: See the blog post on keep your dogs from chewing your slippers of May 22



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